What We Do

Undertaking a house redevelopment project is complex, time consuming and often frustrating. With that said, it is also a unique opportunity to create the perfect home for you and your family.

As Principal Designers & Contractors, our raison d’être is to support homeowners throughout this process, ensuring you not only end up with the house you envisaged at the start of the process, but that you do so within budget and within pre-agreed timelines.

There are many moving parts to any house redevelopment project and understanding them is key to the project continuing to move apace, having the necessary time to source the right products (and not at inflated prices) and in ensuring your finished home fits with how you ‘live’ as a family.

Our involvement in your project can be as hands-on or as hands-off as you feel you need. If your time is precious we offer a full project management service. Alternatively, if you are considering managing the project yourself, we also offer an advisory and support service throughout the duration of your project, ensuring decisions are taken at the right time and you have considered all the design options available to you before work in a particular part of your home begins.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always excited to get involved in a new project and to help homeowners create their dream home. Please get in touch and we will contact you to discuss your project and to see how we can best support you.